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Home » The Kids Club Songs » Little Kids B » THE HUNGRY SAILOR


Little Kids B

What shall we feed the hungry sailor? (all walk around in a circle)
What shall we feed the hungry sailor?
What shall we feed the hungry sailor?
Early in the morning? (down, hands touching the floor)
For his breakfast, eggs and bacon! (x 3)
Early in the morning! (stand up and circle)
Chorus + Half way through the day? (all walk around in a circle +down)
For his lunch, fish and chips! (x 3)
Half way through the day!
Chorus + In the afternoon? (all walk around in a circle + down)
A cup of tea and a chocolate cake! (x 3)
In the afternoon!
Chorus + Early in the evening? (all walk around in a circle + down)
For his supper a bowl of soup! (x 3)
Early in the evening!
Chorus + In the middle of the night? (all walk around in a circle + down)
Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!
In the middle of the night!

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Associado ABF desde 1995

Associado ABF desde 1995

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4 estrelas na PEGN!