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Home » The Kids Club Songs » Little Kids A » THE FARMER’S IN HIS DEN


Little Kids A

The Farmer’s in his den, the Farmer’s in his den,
E-AYE-ADDIO The Farmer’s in his den.
The Farmer wants a wife, the Farmer wants a wife,
E-AYE-ADDIO The Farmer wants a wife.
The Farmer chooses a wife to join him in the centre of the circle
The wife wants a child, the wife wants a child,
E-AYE-ADDIO The wife wants a child.
The Farmer’s wife chooses another child to stand in the centre
The child wants a nurse, the child wants a nurse,
E-AYE-ADDIO The child wants a nurse.
The child chooses a nurse.
The nurse wants a dog, the nurse wants a dog,
E-AYE-ADDIO The nurse wants a dog.
A dog is chosen by the nurse and joins the others in the centre of the
We all pat the dog, we all pat the dog,
E-AYE-ADDIO We all pat the dog.
Everyone pats the dog on the head. The dog then becomes the Farmer
and the game starts again.

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Associado ABF desde 1995

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