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Home » The Kids Club Songs » Little Kids B » JAZZ BEAR IS COMING


Little Kids B

Today Jazz bear is coming to say Hello (x3) (Wave Hello)
Today Jazz bear is coming
Today Jazz bear is coming
Today Jazz bear is coming to say Hello
He hangs his hat upon the peg (x3) (Hats off, on the floor)
He hangs his hat
He hangs his hat
He hangs his hat upon the peg
He wipes his shoes upon the mat (x3) (Feet rub the floor)
He wipes his shoes
He wipes his shoes
He wipes his shoes upon the mat
He dances about moving his feet (x3) (Silly dance)
He dances about
He dances about
He dances about moving his feet
He plays he is a great big bear (x3) (Arms arched to show large size)
He plays he is
He plays he is
He plays he is a great big bear
He puts his hat back on his head (x3) (Hats back on)
He puts his hat
He puts his hat
He puts his hat back on his head
He makes a bow and says “good bye” to you (x3) (Bow and wave)
He makes a bow
He makes a bow
He makes a bow and says “good bye” to you
Goodbye! Goodbye! (Shout)

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Associado ABF desde 1995

Associado ABF desde 1995

Excelência pela 21ª vez!

Excelência pela 21ª vez!

4 estrelas na PEGN!

4 estrelas na PEGN!