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Home » The Kids Club Songs » Junior Course » I’M OFF TO TOWN THIS MORNING


Junior Course

I’m off to town this morning and I walk like this
Walk like this, walk like this
I ‘m off to town this morning and I walk like this
All on my way to town
I see a big yellow train and I run like this Run like this, run like
I see a big yellow train and I run like this
All on my way to town
I see a little blue boat and I splash like this
Splash like this, splash like this
I see a little blue boat and I splash like this
All on my way to town
I see a plane in the sky and I fly like this Fly like this, fly like this
I see a plane in the sky and I fly like this
All on my way to town
I see a speedy red car and I toot like this
Toot like this, toot like this
I see a speedy red car and I toot like this
All on my way to town
I hear my mummy calling and I hop to her Hop to her, hop to her
I hear my mummy calling and I hop to her
All on my way to town

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Associado ABF desde 1995

Associado ABF desde 1995

Excelência pela 21ª vez!

Excelência pela 21ª vez!

4 estrelas na PEGN!

4 estrelas na PEGN!