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Home » The Kids Club Songs » Junior Course » FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS


Little Kids A, Junior Course

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, (All jump up and down)
One fell off and bumped his head. (Point at one monkey who goes to
his/her parent)
Momma called the doctor. The doctor said,
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed.” (Child goes out and runs to
Carry on with the song until you only have one monkey on the bed
(at this time, most parents and children are shouting):
No more monkeys jumping on the bed!
At the end of the next verse, the remaining child and you are shouting:
Put those monkeys back to bed!
The children should then all come to jump on the bed again for a happy

One little monkey jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Momma called the doctor. The doctor said,
“Put those Monkeys back to bed !”

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Associado ABF desde 1995

Associado ABF desde 1995

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Excelência pela 21ª vez!

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4 estrelas na PEGN!