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Little Kids A

I’m taking home my baby bumble bee Hold an imaginary bee in your two
cupped hands.
Won’t my mummy be surprised at me
I’m taking home my baby bumble bee
Ooh! Eeh! The bee stung me! Open up hands and look hurt.
I’m squashing up my baby bumble bee Squash imaginary bee between the
palms of your two hands
Won’t my mummy be surprised at me
I’m squashing up my baby bumble bee Look at palms of hands with a
disgusted face.
Ooh! Eeh! There’s bee on me!
I’m wiping off my baby bumble bee Wipe hands on thighs, as if to get rid
of a squashed Won’t my mummy be surprised at me bee!
I’m wiping off my baby bumble bee
Look! See! There’s no bee on me! Show hands to the group.

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Associado ABF desde 1995

Associado ABF desde 1995

Excelência pela 21ª vez!

Excelência pela 21ª vez!

4 estrelas na PEGN!

4 estrelas na PEGN!