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Home » The Kids Club Songs » Kids Course » BOUNCING BILLY


Little Kids A, Kids Course

Bouncing Billy was a clown
The hat he wore was big and round (hold the hat)
He danced his way across the town
Bouncing, bouncing up and down. (Billy bounces high in the air)
Bouncing Billy was a clown
Whose feet would not stay on the ground (hold Billy’s shoes)
He went in circles, round and round
Bouncing, bouncing up and down. (Billy bounces high in the air)
Bouncing Billy was a clown
He bounced until the sun went down (Billy bounces once high and down)
But when the cock began to crow
Bouncing, bouncing he would go. (Billy bounces high in the air)
Bouncing Billy bounced one night
Late beneath the pale moonlight (Billy points high at the moon)
He bounced so high his face went white
And Billy bounced right out of sight! (Billy bounces high in the air)

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Associado ABF desde 1995

Associado ABF desde 1995

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